Rajasthan Abkari Wine Shop Lottery Result 2024-2025 – राजस्थान शराब ठेका लॉटरी रिजल्ट online Abkari Beer Shop Lottery, Abkari Desi Shop Lottery Results, Abkari English Shop Lottery Rajexcise Result wine shop tender in rajasthan 2024 Angreji Desi Angreji Daru Theka
Rajasthan Abkari Wine Shop Lottery Result 2024-2025 – राजस्थान शराब ठेका लॉटरी रिजल्ट online
Rajasthan Excise Department Lottery Result 2024 – Update Soon
Dear friends We will tell you that Rajasthan liquor contract Lottery has declared the winner list. You can use our Rajasthan Desi online sitting at home through this article. You can see the names in English Shop Lottery Results. Those who had applied for rajasthan excise department liquor contracts. Now, whether he has come to his name or not, he can see his Rajasthan Wine Shop Lottery Result 2024 sitting at home through this article.
Rajasthan Abkari Wine Shop We will inform you about Rajasthan Liquor Contract Lotary 2024 in this article. How you can see the name on your list online at home. Rajasthan Inward Department has released the names of Desi English beer shops. We will show you how to watch online in this article
Rajasthan Excise Department Lottery Result 2024

We will tell you that rajasthan excise department has declared liquor contract lottery winning list 2022 names. You can see the names in our online Rajasthan Liquor Shop Winner List (Rajasthan Lottery Draw Result 2024) sitting at home through this article. You can see your Rajasthan Wine Shop Lottery Result 2024 sitting at home through this article.
- Click on this website to view Rajasthan Excise Department Desi English Beer Shop Lottery Result 2024.
- After clicking on this website you will see such a page.
- After clicking on this website you will see a link to rajasthan excise lottery result.
- Click on that link.
- The incoming department lottery result list will appear as soon as you click on the link.
- You can see your name in the list.
- You can keep the print out of it. Rajasthan Abkari Wine Shop
Today, we are going to tell you how you can apply online for your own contracts in rajasthan excise department. For your own contract in the Rajasthan Excise Department, you will first have to register online for 2024. Rajasthan Abkari Wine Shop It will be from a lottery system. Your applications will be taken first and then one day the names of the winners will be mentioned through lucky draw. This excise lottery will be valid only for the state of Rajasthan. Excise Department Contract Lottery Resume 2024 results will be withdrawn on 2024.
Security amount is not eligible for refund for online application of Excise Department.
After the online application of the Excise Department, a man will not be allotted more than one licence if two or more licenses are allotted, a license will be allotted as per the applicant’s choice.
The online application of the Excise Department will not be filled up on the website of the Department of Https://rajexcise.gov.in/ by the department accepting offline applications in any way. Rajasthan Abkari Wine Shop
Online applications by the Person you want can be filled online through e-Mitra kiosks, cyber cafes or their systems.
The process of application of liquor contract lottery withdrawn by Rajasthan Excise Department has been completed. After the application process now the next step is of the result of the lottery. The excise department has fixed the date for 5th March 2024. On the same day, the excise department will declare the result of contract allotment through lottery. Whoever has applied for this, I can go online and see the Rajasthan Excise Department lottery result as per the district. In addition, excise Department will also Release the list of Rajasthan district-wise winners. So that you’ll find it easier to know which contracts your name has come to. This result is done in a completely transparent manner. So, any candidate who applies for it has to kill the result of this lottery. You can ask for your opinion in the comments box below for any other type of information. Thank you.
Rajasthan Excise Department Daru Liquor Contract Lottery Results 2024
For this, the government has kept the application fee at 23 thousand. If the shop has a value of more than 10 lakh, the application amount will have to be 28 thousand. In addition, you will have to pay an application fee of Rs. 28, 000 for availing English liquor contract in Rajasthan. In addition, you will have to pay a minimum Special Board fee of Rs 8 lakh with 22 lakh for the shop license. So, you have to pay about Rs 30 lakh.
Excise Department Rajasthan will soon be the result of the tender of asylum for liquor desi B English. After Uttar Pradesh, the Government of Rajasthan will soon be given a list of district times. In this suchai, the name of the winning party and the contract that he has got on the jha will be written. The contract will be applicable from 2024 to 31st March 2023 next year. Rajasthan Excise Policy 2024 you can also see.
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