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Liquor sales target raised by 15%, government agencies to take over contract
आबकारी नीति 2024-25 की विशेषताएं – Click here

वर्ष 2024-25 के लिये आवेदन योग्य दुकानों की सूची |
देशी मदिरा समूह की सूची |
IMFL/Beer दुकानों की सूची |
दुकानों की क्षेत्रवार सूची |

The state Government has issued a new excise alcohol restraint policy for the financial year 2024. It has increased the target of sale of liquor by 15% and has increased the licence fee from the application fee for liquor shops. Check Rajasthan Excise Department Liquor Shop Tender/ Nivida All Zone Wise Angreji, Beer, Desi Theka Lottery Winner Result available at The burden of licence fee is fixed on the customers. The number of English liquor shops has been kept at 1000 and the number of desi liquor shops at 6665 as before. The shop will be the same as before from 10 am to 8 pm. The government has set a target of getting revenue from the sale of liquor by Rs 1500 per year is enhanced. This time the sale of liquor is Rs 12500 crore. has set a target of revenue earnings.
Read Full Info official Website @

The target was 11000 crore in the current financial year. Government agencies RTDC, RSBCL and Ganganagar Sugar Mill will also open their shops for sale of liquor. rajexciselottery 2024-25 However, the rationale behind this has been given that private contractors will not be able to run monopoly in liquor sales. Selling more liquor will attract excise duty exemptions and fines for selling less than the target. The fee for representation for Desi and English liquor shops has also been increased to Rs. 2, 000. In the new policy, the licence fee of heritage hotels has been increased by 10 times.
License fee increased to Rs 13 lakh
First Fees Now
Five star hotels 17 lakh 30 lakh
Four Star 12 Lakh 22 Lakh
Three Star 8.50 Lakh 15 Lakh
Luxury Train 9.50 Lakh 10 Lakh
{The license fee for liquor store in Jaipur has been increased from Rs 22 lakh to Rs 26 lakh.
Rum & Vodka Desi also
The new policy mandates 30% offtake of homegrown liquor containing extra neutral alcohol. This will also have cheap priced rum, vodka and those at homegrown shops.
More load on heritage
Heritage hotels were being given liquor licences in three categories. Rs 1.25 lakh for A category, Rs 1 lakh for B category and Rs 75,000 for C category. rajexciselottery 2024-25 There was a licence fee. Now, it is worth Rs 10 lakh directly. has been made. License fee for restaurant bar in Jaipur, Jodhpur is Rs 10 lakh. Increased from Rs 12 lakh has been made.
Desi & Videshi Madira Bhaang Theka Challan Details, Rajasthan Abkari Vibhag Wine Shop Registration Shulk All District & Rajasthan Wine Shop Tender Qiara Cade on Baoil, will tell where the liquor is made, what is the price
{3 counters in the five-star hotel, 2 in four stars and an additional counter in three stars. Fee of each counter Rs. 5 lakhs.
Application fee increased by Rs. 2, 000 Shop First Fee Now
The domestic contract up to Rs 10 lakh per annum is Rs 23,000. 25,000
A contract with an annual amount of more than Rs 10 lakh is Rs 28,000. 30,000
English liquor store rs 28,000 30,000
It will be mandatory to cut the bill with the sale of liquor from April one. This time the QR code will also be given on liquor bottles, which will be scanned from the smartphone to find out where the liquor was made, where it was sent and what is its MRP.
राजस्थान अबकारी विभाग थेका लुटेरे ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन फॉर्म 2024-25, राजस्थान आबकारी विभाग वाइन शॉप लाइसेंस फीस एंड चालान प्रक्रिया 2024-25, राजस्थान अबकारी विभाग आबकारी नीति विवरण और राजस्थान अबकारी विभाग थेका लॉटरी फॉर्म, आबकारी नीति 2024 ऑनलाइन चालान फॉर्म